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ProDAD ReSpeedr v1.0.33 Multilingual
24.01.2014, 17:53

Program Name: ProDAD ReSpeedr v1.0.33 Multilingual (Win32/Win64)
Program Type: Video Optimization
Developer: proDAD Inc.
Homepage: http://www.prodad.com/home/products/videoeffects/300610678,l-us
Release Date: Dec. 16, 2013
Interface Language: Multilingual
Platform: Windows Vista/7/8

ProDAD ReSpeedr - это автономный инструмент для создания потрясающих Super Slow-motion (замедления/ускорения) видео записей с 30,60 или 120 кадр/сек для получения впечатляющих записей с 1000 кадр/сек или даже больше. Для достижения фантастических результатов используются технологии исходного материала и покадрового видео с помощью сложные режимов смешивания, оптических потоков, и ключевого кадра. С использованием видео, снятого на DSLR и даже мобильные телефоны. Можно также комбинировать супер замедленную и покадровую последовательности в одном видео. 
ProDAD ReSpeedr - is a stand-alone tool for creating amazing super slow-motion video with records of 30,60 or 120 FPS to produce fascinating records with 1000 fps or even more. Source material and cool time-lapse videos using sophisticated frame-blending, optical-flow, and keyframe technologies to achieve fantastic results using video shot on common DSLR, action cameras, even mobile phones. It’s even possible to combine both super slow-motion and time-lapse sequences in a single video.

ReSpeedr's key features at a glance:
• Create high-quality slow-motion video highlight scenes from source material shot at up to 1,000fps to bring out even the smallest detail in the video; 
• Turn hours of skyline, tidal, city street traffic, etc. video into fascinating time-lapse "fast-forward" scenes that shows the audience the "big picture" in a short period of time; 
• Professional grade technology – Frame-based Motion-flow analysis uses a combination of dynamic frame-blending and optical flow technologies to deliver incredible detail and smoothness at a sub-$100 price point; 
• Combine super slow-motion and time-lapse sequences in a single video clip to slow down the action to see incredible detail; then speed it up with time-lapse to get the bigger picture; 
• Intuitive timeline interface with super-easy keyframing; 
• Built-in video stabilizer with rolling-shutter correction to improve the overall smoothness & stability of the final video (great for fast-action sports video!); 
• Real time preview and super-fast rendering with CPU & GPU support (if GPU is present) 
• Ideal companion product for proDAD DeFishr or ProDRENALIN users to further enhance videos after de-warping, de-noising, color-correction, etc; 
• Stand-alone application for Windows 8/8.1, Windows 7, and Windows Vista; 
• Support for 2.7K, 4K, and higher video resolutions; 
• Export finished videos into industry-standard formats ready for sharing or importing into full-featured video editing software; 
• English & German languages (more coming soon!) 

System requirements:
Respeedr for Windows 32-Bit and 64-Bit

Vista, Win7, Win8, Win8.1 – 2GB-memory,
recommended: i7-cpu, 6GB-memory

Категория: Видеомонтаж | Добавил: Greyness
Просмотров: 7488 | Загрузок: 1702 | Комментарии: 2 | Рейтинг: 2.7/3
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