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Assimilate SCRATCH v7.0.765
06.12.2013, 00:54

Program Name: SCRATCH v7.0.765
Program Type: Digital post-production workflow tool
Developer: Assimilate Inc.
Homepage: www.assimilateinc.com/products/scratch
Release Date: 03.12.2013
Interface Language: English
Platform: Windows 7 64-bit

SCRATCH представляет собой наиболее полный инструмент обработки изображения в цифровой кинематографии и, инструмент рабочего процесса для цифрового постпроизводства. Разработанный в соответствии со специфическими требованиями DI-процесса независимого и документального кинематографа, а также мастерских постпроизводства, SCRATCH объединяет функции воспроизведения, согласования, редактирования, цифровой цветокоррекции, титрования, компоновки и доработки в едином, унифицированным интерфейсе, максимизируя творческий потенциал и производительность.

Инструкции по активации на Русском языке прилагаются, см. 'Readme_Ru.txt'


SCRATCH in Film is the most comprehensive digital cinema imaging and workflow tool for digital post-production workflows. Designed to meet the unique DI workflow challenges of independent and documentary filmmakers, as well as boutique post-production houses, SCRATCH brings together playback, conform, editing, color grading, titling, compositing and finishing into a single, consistent interface that maximizes both creativity and productivity.

Hundreds of feature and documentary productions have relied on SCRATCH not only because it was first to support native RED and files, but because it is the only DI tool that offers the quality, real-time performance and breadth of features needed to meet the unique challenges presented by uncompromising quality vs. realistic budgets.

• Full resolution support for RED RAW, ARRI RAW, Panasonic, DLSR and all other popular camera formats
Featuring unmatched real-time performance and reliability, SCRATCH removes the risk and frees the filmmaker and DP to get the most from a high-resolution digital shoot.
- REDCODE RAW.r3d (including HDRx)
- Phantom
- SI2K
- Panasonic P2/MXF and AVCHD
- Canon 5D
- Support for the latest RED color science, dual RED Rocket acceleration cards, and RED’s new EPIC camera
- Full resolution, real-time debayering of .r3d files
- RedCine and on-camera color settings can be read and manipulated within SCRATH and augmented using SCRATCH's powerful color tools

• Powerful finishing tools
- Shot Versioning: SCRATCH CONstruct manage multiple versions of the same 2D or 3D shots within the same timeline for easy comparison
- Vector paint
- Subtitling support
- Apply third-party plug-ins to create a wide range of visual effects
- Direct Output: Real-time tools for frame-rate conversion, image-resolution scaling and frame-accuracy to monitors, projectors and tape decks using both DVI and SDI interfaces
- Multiple Deliverables: Create alternate versions in different resolutions, image formats and framing, all from a single source

• Fast, highly interactive color grading
- Real-time, non-destructive primary and secondary color grading
- Heads-up color grading interface and support for Avid Artist Color panel series, Tangent Wave and Tangent CP200 Panels
- Source-side adjustments for mixed color space workflows
- Match and auto grading
- 2D and shape tracking
- Keying based on Vector, Chroma or Luminance
- Controls for finessing keys
- Integrated Histogram, Waveform, Vectorscope and Color Curve views
- Group shots, copy/paste color grades and reference libraries
- Key frames and animation curves
- Import and save 1D and 3D LUTs based on primary color grades

• High-speed conform and confidence checking
No other software offers the range of tools for quickly conforming and checking against a reference clip.
- Mix-and-match RED.r3d files with ARRI RAW or Phantom (or any other media format recognized by SCRATCH), even Canon DSLR, within the same resolution-independent timeline
- Dual-View, Half-Mix and Side-by-Side comparison options
- Quick Keys for moving through a timeline and edit tools for shot manipulation,
- AAF import and MXF integration
- Import and export ALE
- Final Cut Pro XML import
- Shot log metadata import
- Metadata search
- Stereoscopic 3D versioning
- CDL support
- Output to multiple file formats such as DNxHD, DPX, ProRes (Mac OS version only) Tiff, JPG, Quicktime, MXF and more
- Export with timecode and metadata
- Multilayer timeline

• Advanced audio sync
- Broadcast wave support 
- Sync to timecode or clapper 
- Interactive waveform for sync 
- Interactive audio scrub 

• Stereo 3D workflow support
- Imagine the creativity of a full stereo workflow that provides consistent, intuitive feedback during the conform, color grading and finishing process. Stereo image pairs are automatically linked for versioning and real-time playback to a wide variety of stereoscopic delivery systems
- Check and adjust stereo with dedicated link and convergence controls
- Bicubic controls for fixing 3D stereo images
- Position elements relative to the screen plane
- Immediately review decisions in stereo
- Panasonic 3D stereo camera support with automatic stream de-muxing

• Flexibility and extensibility
Future-proof your workflow with an advanced and scriptable XML back-end that allows you to:
- Automate SCRATCH to maximize productivity
- Extend SCRATCH via HTML for remote review and comments
- Integrate SCRATCH via XML with other tools in your workflow such as Nuke
- Enhance SCRATCH with third party tools via a robust plug-in architecture
- Built-in SQL database supports a full range of metadata
- Automate deliverables by designing templates based on output format, metadata and LUTs/grades

New features in SCRATCH 7

• The dawn of Creative DI
SCRATCH v7 features a powerful new suite of enhanced 3D compositing tools that integrate seamlessly into its world-class color grading, data management and finishing system to allow far faster, more fluid and more cost effective DI sessions, known as Creative DI.
- The world's first integrated creative tool to seamlessly blend 3D compositing with world-class color-grading
- A new high-performance user interface that delivers the fastest, most intuitive DI sessions ever
- Full ACES compliance
- Planar tracking integration with mocha Pro
- Native camera support for: Sony F55/F5; Blackmagic Cinema Camera; Canon C500
- The industry's most flexible rental and site license subscription options for as low as $150 per day!

• Enhanced creative tools to enable creative DI
SCRATCH now marries its world-class color grading capabilities with powerful compositing tools in a single, comprehensive environment with the real-time interactivity demanded in client-attended sessions. New features include:
- An expanded compositing toolset with a new 3D camera model, featuring an improved OFX plug-in environment and plug-in workflow
- Full peer interactivity between all SCRATCH features and critical VFX plug-ins, such as Sapphire, Neat Video, ReelSmart Motion Blur, Beauty Box and more
- Ability to nest layers and apply color grades to groups of layers
- New rendering features, including directional and motion blur, multi-sampling, and bit-map filtering

An entirely new, flexible viewing model that displays content in a far more intuitive manner. Artists can fuel their creativity by navigating and working seamlessly from a multi-layer timeline to a single, multi-level composite, while viewing the results in context at all times. This new viewing model, allows artists to create dual views of any image in a project by quickly and easily selecting a version, a reference, a clip from a video track, or a color buffer, and compare them using one of two methods: a difference method or an overlay method with opacity controls and a 360 degree wipe.

Additionally, one of the dual views can be designated as an output view (showing the final result of a shot), while the other is a fully functional working canvas with access to even the deepest elements of a shot, including a complex composite or color grade. Artists can intuitively manipulate any element of the working view and instantly see its resulting affect updated to the output view at full resolution and in real time.

Extended native camera support:
- Phantom Miro
- Canon C300
- The latest ARRI Debayer algorithm
- Sony F65 native high frame rate
- SCRATCH v7 includes full support for the entire ACES specification including the file format, color space, and device and rendering transforms.

Planar tracking data import from Imagineer System's mocha Pro v3: New support and process for SRATCH users to import mocha's planar tracking data for transform, scale, rotation and corner pin perspective. With the new mocha Pro-to-SCRATCH workflow, artists can seamlessly tackle the most difficult motion tracking shots for screen inserts, match moves, set extensions and image stabilization.

Категория: Видеомонтаж | Добавил: Greyness
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